Lithuanian Electricity Market Development Implementation Plan
Capacity mechanisms in the Member States can only be introduced after the European Commission has provided its opinion on the electricity market development plan as part of the state aid process. The coordination of the Lithuanian Electricity Market Development and Implementation Plan with the European Commission is one of the necessary parts of the development of the capacity mechanism, without which such mechanism could not be implemented.
Taking into account the results of the adequacy assessment of the Lithuanian power system and the identified challenges from 2025, also in accordance with Article 20 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the internal market for electricity, which requires Member States with power system adequacy problems to draw up and publish implementation plan with a timeline for adopting measures to eliminate any identified regulatory distortions or market failures as a part of the State aid process, the Lithuanian Electricity Market Development and Implementation Planwas prepared.
On 27 December 2019, the Ministry of Energy submitted the Lithuanian Electricity Market Development and Implementation Plan to the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy. The plan discusses the deregulation of the final electricity price for household consumers and the introduction of smart metering for electricity consumers. It also provides for the implementation of an electricity consumption data collection and exchange platform, sets out plans to implement changes in the balancing energy market from 2025 and to implement other electricity market development measures.
On 14 January 2020, the European Commission submitted the Lithuanian Electricity Market Development and Implementation Plan for a public consultation. The consultation lasted until 31 January. During this period, interested parties were given the opportunity to examine the plan and submit their proposals. The European Commission’s public consultation on the Lithuanian Electricity Market Development and Implementation Plan can be found here.
The opinion of the European Commission on the Lithuanian Electricity Market Development and Implementation Plan is expected to be approved by the end of April 2020. This would bring us closer to the last stage of coordination of state aid for the implementation of the capacity mechanism in Lithuania with the European Commission.
On 30 April 2020 European Commission issued official opinion on the Lithuanian Electricity Market Development and Implementation Plan. This opinion is one of the necessary steps towards finalisation of state aid process with the European Commission in order to implement the capacity mechanism in Lithuania. In the opinion European Commission agrees with proposed market reforms although provides some recommendations to assess the possibilities of including additional measures to promote more efficient market development. Commission opinion of 30.4.2020 pursuant to Article 20(5) of Regulation (EC) No 2019/943 on the implementation plan of Lithuania can be found here.
After review and evaluation of recommendations provided in the European Commission’s opinion Lithuania is planning to amend Electricity Market Development and Implementation Plan and publish updated version.
After being reviewed and evaluated according to recommendations provided in the European Commission’s opinion, Lithuanian Electricity Market Development and Implementation Plan is amended and published.Updated Lithuanian Electricity Market Development and Implementation Plan can be found here.
Press releases:
2019 12 27
Europos Komisijai pateiktas Lietuvos elektros rinkos plėtros įgyvendinimo planas
2020 01 15
2020 05 22
2020 08 03
Lithuanian Electricity Market Development and Implementation Plan has been updated