Gas Interconnection between Poland and Lithuania

Gas interconnection Poland-Lithuania is one of the strategic energy infrastructure projects that will ensure diversification of gas supply to Lithuania and enable integration of the Baltic states into EU gas market. Implementation of this project will increase Lithuanian energy security. Diversification of gas supply (together with LNG terminal in Klaipėda) will allow the creation of competitive gas market in Lithuania which will result in consumer friendly prices.

The Project is implemented by AB Amber Grid and the Polish Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

Goals of the Project

  • integrate the isolated gas markets of the Baltic countries into a single EU gas market, 
  • diversify gas supply sources and routes, 
  • security and reliability of gas supplies, 
  • provide access of the Baltic countries to the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) market, 
  • create preconditions for a competitive regional gas market.

The Project milestones

  • Business Case Analysis (prepared in 2011),
  • Feasibility Study (prepared in 2013), 
  • Securing a Project of Common Interest status (2013),
  • Enviromental Impact Assessment (2013–2015),
  • Engineering design and construction (2015–2018).

The progress

  • GIPL feasibility study has been finished (in May, 2013);
  • Secured 50% EU co-financing for preparation of EIA from TEN-E funds (July)
  • Territorial planning and environmental impact assessments have been initiated;
  • GIPL project has been awarded with the PCI status (in October, 2013)
  • On 31 October 2013 project promoters GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and AB Amber Grid submitted joint Investment Request to the National Regulatory Authorities of benefitting Member States for cross-border cost allocation;

The EU assistance

The preparation of the Business Case Analysis and Feasibility Study of the GIPL was granted by the European Commission Trans-European Energy Networks (TEN-E) Programme.

The EU financial contribution covered 50% of the Business Case Analysis and Feasibility Study’s preparation costs. The remaining part of the costs was equally covered by the own funds of AB Amber Grid and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

Further steps have been undertaken for the Project to be enlisted as a Project of Common Interest (in the 8th priority gas corridor “BEMIP Gas” in the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure) and secure that construction of the GIPL would be granted the EU financial assistance.

The Project is a part of the following plans:

  • The European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-G) Ten-year Development Plan for 2013–2022. 
  • The Baltic Regional Transmission System Operators Gas Regional Investment Plan for 2012–2021.


Last updated: 28-11-2023