The first meeting of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform was held on 15th December 2020 (online). The topics of the meeting included:

  • The large demonstration project proposal by the Lithuanian energy institute of three integrated energy ecosystems. One of them is the generation and use of green hydrogen in transport. 
  • A presentation of the pilot project to test technical conditions for injecting green hydrogen into the natural gas transmission networks. 
  • Announcement about the launch of the IPCEI Hydrogen. 

The second meeting of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform was held on 24th February 2021 (online). The topics of the meeting included:

  • The presentation of draft national recovery and resilience plan (RRPs) in the field of the green transition. 
  • A presentation and discussion regarding the view on hydrogen in the study for the Lithuanian Power Sector, Scenario Building for the Evolution of Lithuanian Power Sector for 2020 - 2050.

Last updated: 02-09-2024