About the Hydrogen Platform
The Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform was established on 30 November 2020 after the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania signed a cooperation agreement with nineteen business associations and companies. It is a cooperation format that brings together national research institutions, businesses and the public sector for the goal of developing hydrogen technologies in Lithuania. Creation of such platform was included in the National Action Plan for the Strengthening of the Innovation Ecosystem in the Energy Sector approved on 10 September 2020.
The European Commission published itshydrogen strategy for a climate-neutralEurope on 8 July 2020 (the ‘EU Hydrogen Strategy’). It states that hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources will be essential to support the EU’s commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. The EU Hydrogen Strategy provides for the integration of hydrogen into the process of decarbonising industrial processes and economic sectors such as transport, energy generation and construction.
The development of hydrogen technologies in Lithuania contributes to the attainment of objectives of the National Strategy for Energy Independence (NSEI) in areas such as fighting climate change and control of air pollution, increasing competitiveness, energy security, and participation of businesses towards achieving progress in the energy sector.
Implementation of both the EU Hydrogen Strategy and the NSEI’s strategies and objectives requires uniform approach and coordinated action in creating an environment conducive to the realisation of the hydrogen potential in Lithuania and the EU, encompassing investments, legal regulation, market development, research and innovation, and dissemination of information.
Objectives of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform:
- Take part in the formulation of the national, regional and EU policies and objectives including but not limited to the preparation of the national hydrogen strategy and action plan on hydrogen development and the identification, with the help of both national and foreign experts, priority lines of development of hydrogen technologies in Lithuania and their potential;
- Contribute to proposals for law-development initiatives that would promote the development of hydrogen technologies in the country, ensuring inter-sectoral hydrogen integration and employment of relevant technologies;
- Promote joint research, development and innovation activities of the Members with the aim of creating new hydrogen-related products, services and businesses in the country;
- Coordinate the Members’ activities in order to efficiently utilise the existing financial instruments for the financing of projects related to hydrogen technologies; identify the need for new or additional financing sources or facilities;
- Increase awareness about the opportunities for the clean hydrogen production and use as well as advantages; promote the use of hydrogen, either clean or mixed with other gasses, in the sectors of transport, energy, industrial production etc.;
- Promote technologies, businesses and investments related to the production, transportation and use of clean hydrogen; increase cooperation in the area of energy and other sectors in order to enhance Lithuania’s economic competitiveness;
- Initiate the Members’ projects on the production, transportation and promotion of the use of hydrogen as well as national and international trade therein, to be implemented either on an individual or a joint basis;
- Collaborate with foreign partners in order to attain the objectives of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform;
- Take an active part in and formulate Lithuania’s unified position in the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance and other international formats related to the development of hydrogen technologies.
The Members of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform collaborate, within their remit, in the process of attainment of its objectives as far as is practicable. The Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform is open to admission of new members at any time.