Project promoter: Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania

Project title: Creation of an interactive platform for efficient and balanced energy generation planning

Project code: LT05-3-EM-TF-001

Project eligible expenditure: EUR 994 689,00 (EUR 845 486,00 grant from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and EUR 149 203,00 budget co-financing)

Project signature date: 14 July 2020

Project implementation period: 14 July 2020 – 30 April 2024

The aim of the project – to carry out a national heating and cooling potential assessment study (fulfil the obligation of EU Directive 2012/27/ES), to create a database and an interactive map based on it.

The project includes:

  • carry out a national heating and cooling potential assessment study, creation of database and interactive data platform.
  • create an internet portal that will publish an interactive map;
  • raise the qualifications of the employees of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania and the Public Enterprise of the Lithuanian Energy Agency by participating in learning visits on heating and cooling, energy efficiency, renewable energy resources, digitization of energy data, development and administration of analytical tools and other similar topics; 
  • implement publicity events about national goals and promotion measures for increasing energy efficiency, development of renewable energy resources, and an interactive map;
  • In the future, the results of the project will help to achieve national climate change mitigation goals, effectively plan heating and cooling infrastructure and control the optimal fuel balance of energy types in order to achieve decarbonization goals, as well as allow state institutions and municipalities to make decisions taking into account the costs of installing heating and cooling infrastructure and the amount of energy saved.

Project target group: Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, Public Enterprise Lithuanian Energy Agency, municipalities, business entities, small and medium-sized enterprises, associations, society.

The project is implemented  jointly with the project partner – Lithuanian Energy Agency, which will present the project and the possibilities of its results to municipalities, will participate in publicity events where they will provide information to the public about energy efficiency and national goals for the development of renewable resources, and will also contribute to the creation of a database and an interactive map. After the end of the project, the Lithuanian Energy Agency will maintain the database and ensure constant updating of its data.

The results will provide better tools for public and private entities in planning future investments in energy infrastructure; increase skills and competence of staff and contribute to improved awareness among end-users about energy investment needs. 


Last updated: 11-06-2024