Energy consumers' education and consultation agreements

Increasing energy efficiency in the European Union is driven not only by technological or procedural measures, it is estimated that changing consumer behavior can save up to 10% energy. Promoting consumers awareness and implementing Directive No. 2012/27/EU, all Lithuanian energy companies with power supply licenses (permits) issued by the National Commission for Energy Control and Prices and engaged in energy supply activities (currently 64 enterprises in general) have signed with the Ministry of Energy obligatory Energy consumer’s education and consultation agreements. 

This very first education and consultation on energy efficiency model in Lithuania is directed at consumer behavior has been developed on example and practice of a functioning Finnish system. Energy companies each year (till 15 February) send reports to the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, and in cases of non-compliance or breach of obligations State Energy Inspectorate under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania steps in for sanctions procedure.

The obligation for energy companies to sign such agreements is set out in Article 8 of Republic of Lithuania Law on Energy Efficiency, while responsibility for violations is provided in Article 20 of this Law.

Last updated: 28-11-2023