
Minister Kreivys: Europe’s response to Russia’s energy war must be united

At the Baltic Sea Energy Security Summit held in Denmark’s capital of Copenhagen on 30 August 2022, energy ministers signed a declaration agreeing to speed up the gradual phasing out of Russian energy, as well as to rapidly develop wind energy capacities in the Baltic Sea.  

At the meeting, which was attended by President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson, and the presidents, prime ministers and energy ministers of the Baltic countries, the issues of energy security and a faster transition to renewable energy were discussed. 

The focus of the meeting was on independence from Russian energy, renewable energy resources, and faster synchronisation of the Baltic States with the Continental European Network. 

“Today we had a detailed discussion on issues that are important and relevant for all of us. We agreed that our response to Russia’s energy war against Europe must be united, and that our solidarity is more important than ever. We need to create a tightly integrated, well-connected regional energy market so that we can ensure uninterrupted power supply, affordable prices for our consumers, and resistance to Russian energy blackmail. We agreed to move toward greater market integration, because this is the only way we can increase our security and competitiveness,” noted Minister of Energy Dainius Kreivys.

In establishing these resolutions, the energy ministers signed a declaration agreeing to speed up the gradual phasing out of Russian energy. The Baltic countries agreed to increase wind energy capacities in the Baltic Sea almost seven-fold over the next eight years, from 2.8 GW to at least 19.6 GW.

In the declaration, it was agreed that in the near future, efforts will be made to expand cooperation in the field of LNG imports, including construction of the necessary infrastructure, such as ports and LNG terminals. Together with the representatives of Latvia, Estonia and Denmark, Minister Kreivys also agreed on further cooperation in the field of offshore wind development.